Financial Results

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Board Meetings for Financial Results

Financial Year Financial results
for Quarter ended
Date of
Board Meeting
Notice Outcome
Intimation to BSE Newspaper Publication Financial Results Newspaper publication
2024-2025 Q.1 15.05.2024 N.A
Q.2 25.07.2024 N.A
Q.3 23.10.2024 N.A
2023-24 Q.1 14.08.2023 N.A
Q.2 09.11.2023 N.A
Q.3 31.01.2023 N.A
Q.4 31.01.2024 N.A
Q.4 13.02.2024 N.A N.A
Q.4 26.03.2024 N.A N.A N.A
2022-23 Q.1 12.08.2022 N.A
Q.2 14.11.2022 N.A
Q.3 13.02.2023 N.A
Q.4 30.05.2023 N.A N.A
2021-22 Q.1 13.08.2021 N.A
Q.2 25.12.2021 N.A
Q.3 14.02.2022 N.A
Q.4 14.02.2022 N.A N.A N.A
2020-21 Q.1 31.10.2020
Q.2 12.11.2020
Q.3 12.02.2021
Q.4 28.06.2021 N.A
2019-20 Q.1 14.08.2019
Q.2 12.11.2019
Q.3 13.02.2020
Q.4 31.07.2020
2018-19 Q.1 10.08.2018
Q.2 14.11.2018
Q.3 14.02.2019
Q.4 21.05.2019
2017-18 Q.1 11.09.2017
Q.2 06.12.2017
Q.3 12.02.2018
Q.4 21.05.2018
2016-17 Q.1 12.08.2016
Q.2 14.11.2016
Q.3 09.02.2017
Q.4 29.05.2017
2015-16 Q.1 14.08.2015
Q.2 09.11.2015
Q.3 06.02.2016
Q.4 23.05.2016
2014-15 Q.1 13.08.2014
Q.2 12.11.2014
Q.3 14.02.2015
Q.4 25.05.2015
2013-14 Q.1 14.08.2013
Q.2 14.11.2013
Q.3 12.02.2014
Q.4 28.05.2014

Board Meetings for other than Financial Results

Board Meetings
held in Financial Year
Date of Meeting Notice Outcome
2021-22 28.08.2021 NA
2020-21 17.08.2020 NA
2019-20 10.09.2019
01.07.2019 NA
2017-18 22.08.2017
2016-17 05.08.2016
2014-15 24.07.2014
2013-14 20.03.2014

Other Committee Meetings

Financial Year Date of Meeting Outcome
2017-18 17.10.2017
2016-17 21.09.2016

Financial Results of Indian Subsidiary

Company name Status W.E.F. 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
KML Tradelinks Private Limited Wholly Owned Subsidiary 09.02.2017